ODL Studio v1.3.4 released!

Posted 11 Jul 2016

We’ve just released ODL Studio v1.3.4. New features include:

  1. Vehicles can now have a waiting cost and individual travel time multipliers (thanks to MIT students Grace Yin and Nikita Kodali for implementing the multipliers!).
  2. Option to use an external matrix for travel distances and times, stored in a text file (use matrices from Google etc. in-addition to the current OSM-powered matrix). See details here.
  3. Option to choose between using either car, bike or pedestrian routing (only one can be used at-once).
  4. New travel time and distance matrix exporter component.
  5. Upgraded to new versions of jsprit and Graphhopper routing libraries.

Warning - there are 2 breaking changes with the data formats with ODL Studio 1.3.4. Graphhopper road network graphs built with the graphhopper jar from earlier versions of ODL Studio do not work and need to be rebuilt with the new Graphhopper jar (in the graphhopper subdirectory of the ODL Studio installation directory). Postcode geocoding database file format has also changed - the old files will no longer work (download the new ones).

To use the waiting cost and the per-vehicle travel time multipliers, two new fields are required in the VehicleTypes table and users must create a new vehicle routing .odlx script to use these fields (a script created by ODL Studio v1.3.3 or earlier will ignore these fields). See the demo data creator for the format of the fields.